INTO YOU x TRAVELING MUZEUM “VINCENT VAN GOGH” is the cross-era collection launched in 13 May 2023. Brings Vincent Van Goph’s color within reach through our signature products Lip & Cheek Mud and 4 shades Eyeshadow palette. The packages and shades are inspired by Van Gogh’s masterpieces of The Starry Night, The Wheat Field and etc. INTO YOU is not only focusing on beauty products, we also care about the mental health of our customers. Like Vincent said, “Art is to console those who are broken by life.” So INTO YOU invited MyTherapist company to create a guideline for solving moments feeling depressed or sad.
Larger capacity with 5 shades and the tube is covered with Van Gogh Painting.
2 shades that inspired from Vincent's painting of "The Starry Night" & "The Wheat Field"
On May 18, INTO YOU with Singer Cacien launched this song that is about encouraging everyone to be bold and colorful. Remember that always cherish yourself and love yourself.
On May 25, INTO YOU with Hangzhou Bus created a colorful and healing journey. Inner was decored with painting of Vincent. We let passengers to wrote down their bad moods and placed them into the mail box.
INTO YOU with MyTherapist created a guideline on how to solve bad moods. First, do a quick test. Second, 5 tips to help you, and last, introduce the connection between color and emotion.
ITY SHERO Soft Matte Lip Mud ITY IS 100% CRUELTY-FREE Unveiling the ITY Soft Matte Lip Mud, a beauty essential that redefines versatility. This soft matte lipstick is more than just a lip color, it's a lip clay that also serves as a cheek...
· FREE silicone lip brush with each pot.· Multi-use mousse lip clay (for lips & cheeks).· Soft matte finish with a pudding-like texture.· Weightless & blendable with every swipe.· Intense pigment with 5 shades. A versatile cheek and lip clay - Use just a...
인투유 화장품 | 에어리 립 & 치크 머드 - 모든 피부 톤을 위한 내추럴 매트 립스틱과 크림 블러셔 봄과 여름 전용. 일반 립머드와 달리 에어리 립머드의 질감은 묽습니다. 포도 구미의 달콤한 향기는 사람들을 기분 좋게 만들 수 있습니다. ✔립앤치크 듀얼유즈 ✔ 피부에 실제처럼 보이는...